3 Day Skin Detox Program
3 Day Skin Detox Program
Beauty products, creams and cleansers can help to keep your skin healthy, and glowing, but on this detox we are going deep and combining techniques I always use to keep my skin radiant and healthy with skin detox yoga and juices and recipes specifically developed to keep your skin radiant.
This is a programme to not only cleanse the skin but detox your entire system.
3 day Skin Detox Retreat Program
- 2x Skin Detoxing Juice Recipes per day (6 in total) plus Skin Nourishing Meal Recipes. Ingredients lists along with recipes and food groups are not permitted during the cleanse.
- 3 hour class with me. Classes will include SKIN DETOX YOGA for 3 hours
- all 3 of my top SKIN CARE RITUALS to keep your skin in tip top condition!
Be good to your skin. You'll wear it every day for the rest of your life.