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Pregnancy Yoga Video: 4 Videos Bundle

Pregnancy Yoga Video: 4 Videos Bundle

Maya Fiennes

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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This bundle includes 4 yoga videos: 

Becoming Pregnant

This is video is for women who want to get pregnant but for some reason are having difficulty conceiving. it is also great for those who are stuck in patterns they wish they could get out of ie a relationship or work situation, the issues are very similar! We can get into a vicious cycle - the more we think we can’t conceive or move forward the more we close off all our systems in the body so nothing works at its fullest potential- our mind, body, emotions and spirit are working against each other. This set will help to cut the negativity and enable us to turn our attention and intention inward. Our body, mind, spirit and emotions start working together and we feel whole and complete. Fear cannot survive and the vicious cycle is broken. It is how we all deserve to feel and it helps us to achieve joy and happiness.

Kundalini After Birth

A video for after the birth of your baby. After birth sleep deprivation is probably the biggest challenge for you and this leads to you not having enough energy to be there for your baby. . In this set I will share with you some tips of how to have a deep quality sleep, how to preserve your energy and how to create more energy. We will combine powerful standing positions to cleanse your lymphatic immune and digestive systems. Once you are clear of any blockages you become empty you experience freedom and you create new energy for you and your baby and you will not feel tired any more. We will also do very special energy work to distribute and balance your precious energy equally all around your body. This set will continue to be useful for you whenever you feel exhausted and worn out which as you know can happen any time in your life!

Reset Yourself to Fall Pregnant

Reset button set - this is a set for everyone out there who needs that reset button pushed.
What do i mean by that?You know those days when we wake up and suddenly everything goes wrong. We all have those days but we carry on with the day and we feel very miserable and can feel like we are in a downhill spin. My advice is to stop, do this for 15/20 minutes and your reset button starts and then your energy gets completely changed so you can carry on with your day in a much more positive way, optimistic and finish without those negative thoughts.

During Pregnancy

While pregnant the most important thing is to stay healthy, happy and to establish a connection with your baby from day one and this video will help you do just that! Pregnancy is a new experience having another being inside you so our emotions, hormones and our whole body in a state of wonder and a bit of confusion at the changes that are taking place. Your mood might change as your hormones are working in a different’s so important to stay present and be honest with your feelings, constantly asking yourself how you are feeling and what do you and your baby want. It’s not about the outside world for nine months you need to put your attention inward. It’s about you and your baby. Very important to slow down and keep every extra energy you have for you and your baby, when you’re relaxed your baby has a space and time to grow in a very healthy way.
In this set we will look into exercises to release your lower back prepare your body for birth physically and mentally. Visualising going into labor, working with breath, sound and movement to bring you to a state of complete limitless bountiful bliss and wellbeing for you and your baby. You can use this set as your daily routine. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes but will make a huge difference in your life.

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