Maya Moments - Troubleshooting Popular Problems Through Kundalini Yoga

Maya Moments - Troubleshooting Popular Problems Through Kundalini Yoga

Hi everyone!

I receive many messages per day by email and social media asking how Kundalini yoga can help in one way or another. I love receiving these student queries and questions because I truly love to help out and watch their lives improve thanks to Kundalini. I have addressed most of the more popular questions on an FAQ sheet, but this week, I wanted to answer 4 of my favourite issues that I get asked about a lot, in this mini-series called "Maya Moments".

Maya Moments - Troubleshooting Popular Problems Through Kundalini Yoga

1. How to Break Addiction

Zara is addicted to her phone. Learn how you can break free from the chains of addiction using some simple Kundalini yoga techniques. 

You can also have a look at an interview I did with my friend and recovery and addiction guru, Tommy Rosen, on how best to tackle this issue.

2. How to Attract Abundance to Your Life

Abundance is something we all would like to have. Missy wonders how she can get abundance in her personal and work life, and I show her some tips to attract it.

This is an issue I have dealt with many times. Read more about manifesting intentions and attracting abundance using Kundalini yoga.

3. How to Hone in on the Powerful Feminine Energy

The powerful feminine energy in Kundalini yoga can help our lives in so many ways. I discuss with Nil ways in which we can hone in on this amazing power.

Using the mantra "MA" connects us to the "Mother", to the feminine aspect of ourselves, the elegant, gracious, and sexy, feminine energy.

4. How to Lose Weight, the Kundalini Way

Although Kundalini is used to help us fix the inside, sometimes when we are not happy with the outside (and for health reasons also) this can affect our general psyche. One of the best ways to lose weight is by high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Where does Kundalini yoga come into it? Watch the video and find out.

Here are some more tips on how Kundalini yoga can help with weight loss. 

Let me know what other "Maya Moment" you'd like to see solved and I'll address these in my next series!

Lots of love

Maya x

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