KundaDance Shape Up + Shake Up
KundaDance Shape Up + Shake Up
Level up with Maya! Become a happier, healthier, more joyful version of YOU!
This exciting new program will transform your body and mind!
The Shape Up and Shake Up method is a combination of new advanced Kundadance, breathwork & meditation.
This program is specifically designed to be only 20 minutes per day, it is scientifically proven that if we overexert the body this stress will produce cortisol which can lead to weight gain.
Maya has created this enjoyable physical, mental and emotional set which will help you balance the whole body.
Mayas’ Shape Up and Shake Up is supported by delicious SHAKES and recipes you will be able to create new habits in choosing food for life!
Here is the list of benefits:
- Balance your whole body
- Become confident to make wise food choices
- Creates new neurological pathways
- Breathe better
- Feel better
- Laugh more
- Access to joy
Each day on this programme you will receive:
- 7 Videos explaining the positions
- 7 Videos doing the positions with music
- 7 Bonus Videos
- 7 Sleep Better Meditation
- PDF with all the recipes
Take your health to a new level!
I'm so excited about this journey together!
Testimonials from previous students:
I just want to thank Maya for sharing this amazing series. I love the workouts, the bonus classes and the meditation. I continue to watch them so I can feel more familiar with the moves. This has given me the confidence I needed. I’m now considering trying the Kundadance program. I would learn for my own healing as I have MS and so far Maya’s programs have been a huge help!
- Kris Baron
I have been studying with Maya since 2011. I passed all her courses, programs, detoxes. I have just finished the new KundaDance Shape Up + Shake Up course. This is another diamond in her collection of programs. Every time I train according to her programs, I discover something new. This time I really liked that the basic Kundadance exercises were supplemented with new breathing techniques, exercises for the lymphatic system, and lots and lots of shaking. And of course evening meditations are my love. After them, you quickly fall asleep and get up in the morning full of energy. It's so cool!
Dear Maya, thank you for being with us!
- Ekaterina